
These are just a few of the Activities that we at Newcomers provide for our members!  CONTACT US for Activity details and more information.

Get-acquainted Coffees are held monthly throughout the entire year on the third Thursday of each month at a local facility large enough to meet the needs of our membership. The location and time, usually 10:00 a.m., are announced in the Newsletter. To defray expenses, attending members are asked to donate $2.00 at the door.

Luncheon meetings are held the first Thursday of each month (except January, July and August) at local restaurants and venues selected by Luncheon Directors. Social time begins at 11:30 a.m.; lunch is served at noon followed by a business meeting and program. Luncheon details are in the monthly Newsletter as are reservation forms.
Special Luncheon Events
Brown Bag Lunch: A Brown Bag lunch is held on the first Thursday in August at one of the local parks. This is our casual bring your own lunch picnic during the summer.

Charity Fundraiser: The Club may hold an event to raise funds to donate to local charities. Information about the fundraiser is publicized in the monthly newsletter and at monthly Coffees and Luncheons,

Special Activity Groups
All members are welcome and encouraged to join any of the activity groups they find of interest. Most groups meet in members’ homes. If you are interested in joining any of these groups, please call the Activity Leader of that group for information. Please contact the Activity Director if you have a special interest and would like to start a new group. The Club Newsletter contains details about the activities as well as any requirements such as reservations, supplies, etc.

Afternoon Tea
Friendly gathering of members who enjoy a cup of tea and fun. Meets every other month between February and October. The tea is held on members’ homes or in business establishments in the area.

Social gatherings open to all members, spouses and friends. They are held monthly during the months of September through June at a Salem area restaurant. Single members are encouraged to bring a friend if they wish. Various participating members, under the guidance of the Dine-Out Activity Leader, selects the restaurant, makes the arrangements, provides information for the Newsletter, and host the event.

Two different discussion groups meet on the 2nd Monday of each month. The discussions are based on the Great Decisions Briefing Book chapters, which cover global topics such as climate change, foreign policy, and energy independence. Meetings take place at members’ homes, or at a local business.

Girls Night Out
Meets once a month for dinner and/or late afternoon or early evening movie or other performance. This event does not have a regular meeting day or time, and the Activity Leader will take care not to schedule meetings in conflict with other activities.

Grape Escape
This group meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month and is devoted to learning the fine aspects of wine tasting.  This group meets either in members’ homes or at wineries to taste selected types of wines. Tasting fees apply, and spouses and partners are welcomed.

Day trips to interesting places in or near Salem, and usually includes lunch. The junkets are a means of getting to know the area and provide enjoyable socializing. Does not have a regular day and time as these are usually of longer duration than regular activities. Details are provided in the monthly Newsletters.

Mah Jongg Mavens
This lively group meets each Wednesday of each month to play Mah Jongg at members homes.

Reading Groups
We currently have three different reading groups: “As the Page Turns”, “On the Same Page”, and “Read & Share”. Each group meets on a different day of the month and each has their own way of sharing their love of reading.

Salad Sisters
At Salad Sisters you will find good food, good cheer, and always interesting, frequently funny conversation. Meets monthly on the 2nd Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. at one of the members’ homes or a local facility. Participants bring a  salad or dessert. This popular group fills up fast, and space is sometimes limited.

Stitch & Bitch
Four different groups meet monthly on Tuesday afternoons at members’ homes, or in local restaurants, to enjoy handiwork, conversation, and companionship. Creative talents are not necessary to join one of these groups.

Trivia Night
Do you like trivia? Can you remember obscure facts about music, history, science, and pop culture, but can’t remember what you had for breakfast? This activity may be fun for you! Join us to use our brains to compete against other trivia teams for prizes and have fun while enjoying pub food and brew on the 1st Tuesday of each month.  

Table Games
There are several open and established card or dice groups:

  • Bridge – Bridge groups meet on the 2nd Monday and the 4th Monday of each month. New groups are formed as needed.
  • Pinochle– Pinochle groups meet on the 3rd Friday and the 4th Friday each month.
  • Bunco – Three different groups meet monthly on Monday afternoons.